Bemidji Bodyrubs (0 results near me)

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Frequently asked questions

It is necessary to shave the genital areas of my body before the sessions?

Although it is not necessary, would be better if you do.

From where can I get my appointment for erotic massage in the massage centers of Bemidji?

You can search them on Google with the keyword Massage Centers in Bemidji, and all the local massage centers along with their locations, add, contact numbers will appear from where you can book your appointments.

Do I need to pay extra charges if I want to have a female getting my body-to-body massage done?

Answer: No there are no additional charges.

Can we have a conversation with the therapist during a massage?

Yes, as long as it is not out of the line, you can have a normal conversation with a therapist.

Is it allowed that the body-to-body massage can lead to sexual intercourse?

No, it is prohibited.

Are these body-to-body massages safe from HIV or any other type of STDs?

Yes, every center ensures to cater to these issues and keep their customers and therapists free from any STDs.

n these massage centers keep my identity and personal information private and hidden?

Yes, upon request, they can.

Will my belongings be safe and secure before and after the massage?

Yes, they will be safe and secure.

Do I need to carry my identity documents with me??

s you must carry your ID card.

Can I choose the type of massage by myself?

Yes you can.